Gamification Design Workshop

The Directorate of Secondary Education of Chania organized an online “Gamification Design Workshop” that took place on the 13th of May 2021 and was attended by Tourism and Hospitality VET students and teachers from Crete and other parts of Greece. The GAME IT project was introduced, the concept of Gamification and its basic principles were explained and the applications of Gamification in Education and Tourism and Hospitality were illustrated through examples. The students’ understanding of the basic concepts and definitions was tested and reinforced by playing an online quiz game. Then, students and teachers alike were divided into e-groups and participated in a workshop to discuss, brainstorm and design gamified activities which they then presented to the others. The workshop ended with its evaluation by all the participants. 

GAME IT partners workshop

On April 23rd was held another GAME IT partners workshop. The research teams of the partners’ organizations gathered to reflect on the results of the conducted country studies and to finalize the first project’s Intellectual Output.

The Curricula for the training course “Mobility Preparation Training for Disadvantaged Learners” was tailored as to the stakeholders’ needs analysis. The course will be with a total workload of 35 study hours and will incorporate 5 key training modules:

  1. Preparation for travelling abroad and intercultural communication
  2. Preparation for teamwork in multicultural environment
  3. Preparation for training placement in a multicultural environment
  4. Preparation for participation in structured training activities in a multicultural environment
  5. Specialized language preparation in the area of tourism and hospitality
  6. It will be available in English, Bulgarian, Greek, Slovenian and Turkish language in June 2021.

Our next step is to start developing the gamified training contents that will be delivered through an online platform.

To keep up to date, like and follow us on Facebook. Stay tuned!

GAME IT curriculum

Greek team developing GAME IT curriculum met on March 31st to discuss intercultural skills competences for tourism and hospitality according to the ESCO classification.

Third Project Meeting

For the third time, since the project start, the partners met on January 27th. Main topic of this meeting was the preparation of a survey for examining the profile of disadvantaged learners and their needs. Further on, an overview of the curriculum structure and discussion of the content was held. The development of this important Intellectual output continues.

A partners working meeting

A partners working meeting was conducted on 8th of January, 2021. During it the GAME IT consortium worked on the development of the concept and methodology for the first project output – IVET and CVET mobility preparation training curricula for disadvantaged learners.

Partners choose to optimize the efforts and apply the general approach to the specific needs of the learners:

  • identification of the obstacles before the disadvantaged learners
  • suggestion of suitable teaching methodologies and learning strategies for the GAME IT course.

GAME IT team also put on planning on how and when target groups will be involved and what would be our strategy to motivate the stakeholders for further participation in the project activities.

GAME IT kick-off meeting

The GAME IT kick-off meeting was held on 14th and 15th of December. In view of the complex situation with COVID-19 the meeting was held online, although it was initially planned as a transnational one.

The 2-day event Agenda included activities related to the setting of a Project management committee, presentation of the project and its activities and outputs, introduction of draft plan for management and monitoring and planning of communication and quality control strategies. The conditions of the proposed partnership agreements and financial management and reporting procedures were also reviewed during this meeting. 

The event was hosted by our TUC`s partner platform – Coursevo platform. This virtual space will further accommodate our project outputs and will provide access to our gamified resources.

All partners are happy to have this cooperation established and are expecting the workflow of the project to be as smooth as its beginning!
