
DABS is a civil society association founded in 2004 by established research, education and business organizations. We are a founder of Varna University of Management (VUM) and work in cooperation with educational institutions to promote innovation and research in agribusiness and tourism and to encourage their practical application. Our mission is to bridge education and sustainable regional development to the benefit of local communities and business.

During the last 7 years, we have been a co-organizer of the regional tourism job fair, together with other key institutions from the region, including the Regional Labor Office. DABS is led by the desire to not only promote decent employment but also to inculcate a culture of environmental and social responsibility in the regional community.

European Center for Quality (ECQ) was founded in 2001 in Sofia, Bulgaria. It supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of innovations and participates in a number of international initiatives to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange between education and the world of work.

ECQ has varied expertise, strong creative potential and a large collaborative network spanning both the field of education and research and the business sector from Bulgaria, the EU, Asia, Africa and Latin America. ECQ is currently involved in 45 Erasmus+ projects.

The Technical University of Crete was founded in 1977. Its Laboratory of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications (MUSIC) was established in 1990, and belongs to the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE). The Laboratory is a centre of research, development and teaching in the areas of distributed information systems, application engineering, computer graphics, and simulation engineering.

MUSIC performs research in the areas of high performance distributed multimedia architectures, information systems offering advanced functionalities, data base systems, information retrieval systems, digital libraries, service oriented architectures, and graphics systems.

The Directorate of Secondary Education of Chania  is a public body educational organization located in Chania, Crete, Greece. It is responsible for the administration and supervision of all secondary schools of the Prefecture of Chania. That is a total number of 55 secondary schools and approximately 1100 full-time teachers and 10000 secondary education students  and 2000 VET students.

DSEC consists of the educational, administrative, economic and informatics departments which are responsible for the following fields: Providing administrative support to its schools and monitoring the implementation of educational policies. Supporting and coordinating school projects and extra curriculum activities. Supporting schools for applying and implementing Erasmus+ projects and e-twinning cooperations. DSEC is also participating to Erasmus+ partnerships for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices in the fields of School, Vocational and Adult Education.

The Institute’s mission and vision are based on the development of human potentials and the provision of services in the field of humanistic sciences for different target and age groups. 

The central activities of the Institute are based on educational and advisory services and the development of social innovations, To this end, the Institute works with professionals both in Slovenia and abroad. It also participates in a range of projects relating to lifelong learning and education of adults in the EU and in the states of South-Western Balkans, and is a member of numerous associations and counselling expert groups at national level and abroad.

INTEGRA Institute is highly active in the field of community development. It has founded and implemented numerous projects, among other employment centres in Ljubljana and Slovenj Gradec, learning community projects, and the Intergenerational Festival at the national level. It is also the initiator and coordinator of professional voluntary work in Velenje.

Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education is one of the Provincial National Education Directorates which is established to plan, program, manage, supervise, develop and evaluate the provincial-level tasks of the Ministry of National Education. The directorate is the top institution responsible for the administration of the official and private education institutions and all the teachers who are serving in these institutions. All of the schools of the province Muğla are linked to the directorate.

The main function of the organization is to ensure the smooth running of educational processes, as well as to take the required steps to address current or future challenges. It is a local authority that provides services in different fields.

There are 13 Provincial Directorates of National Education, Public Education Centres, Vocational Training Centres, Art Schools, Guidance and Research Centres, Special Education Centre, Science Art centre and schools under the directorate.